The application of economics in its simplest form, the distribution of finite resources along essential channels, is the macro as a game.

“Macro” stands for “macro command” (long command).

Macros are computer scripts used by developers to reuse code in the programming world. MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) players and SEO (search engine optimization) practitioners are both familiar with macros. A notice informs the player that the recording has begun when a specific key is pushed, and another when the recording is finished. While playing a game, the user can also define a key that starts and stops the recording process. An audible sound is used to deliver an in-game notification. During a computer game, every Macro Gamer user can set a specific key to enable or disable keybinds. MacroGamer is a program that provides ardent gamers with the tools they need to become more effective and successful in the games they play.